Practice Emails

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Please note you will no longer be able to email our practice about appointments, prescriptions, and general enquiries, please use the following methods to contact the surgery:


To cancel or amend appointments please call the surgery on 0113 2576787. 

Urgent / Same day appointment – call or attend reception desk at 08.00.

Routine appointment – Please use our PATCHS service. Please see below a how to guide.

PATCHS Introduction – Robin Lane Health and Wellbeing Centre

Patient Prescription Enquiries

Please note we cannot take prescription requests over the phone.  Requests can be made by using the following methods:

  • Via your nominated pharmacy
  • Using online services such as NHS APP, Airmid, Systmonline, Patches
  • At our front desk

General Enquires

For general enquires you can submit a PATCHS request, call the surgery after 09.00 am or attend the surgery in person.