What is the Patient Participation Group (PPG)?

Our Patient Participation Group is here to enable patients and staff of Robin Lane Health and Wellbeing Centre to work together to improve patient experience and ensure that our practice delivers the best care for our registered patients. The PPG represents the patient’s voice in decision making – we need your input and feedback!

As a member of our PPG, we will contact you by email to inform you of any news/changes, or anything which requires patient consultation (such as GP survey results, new leaflets, and patient changes etc.). Additionally, PPG meetings will be held to discuss any important announcements/changes and to gain patient feedback and ideas which can improve the way our practice works.

We Need You!

Are you 16 years old or over? If you are looking for a way to help improve the service that the surgery offers, why not apply to become a member of the PPG?

It’s free & you will be included in discussions about how to help our practice and services improve. There are meetings held on a regular basis with other PPG members and staff from the surgery.

We are currently looking to create a more diverse PPG, so all our patients’ and their needs are represented.

Join our PPG!

If you are interested in joining our PPG as a member, find out more about future PPG opportunities, and have your say about how our practice delivers primary care services join our mailing list: email Robin.lane@nhs.net. You can unsubscribe at any time.

Virtual PPG

Are you interested in being involved and want your feedback to be heard, but are unable to commit to PPG meetings? We are looking to develop a “Virtual Group” to enable us to access the views of a wider cross section of the patient population.

The virtual PPG will be contacted by social media, email, post, or telephone and asked to fill in questionnaires and reports, as well as provide opinions and comments. The virtual PPG would not receive agendas and reports relating to meetings; however, these are available for viewing on our website. Responses provided by virtual PPG members would be anonymous and confidential.

Virtual members will not be given confidential patient information and personal details provided by patients joining will not be divulged to anyone outside the PPG, in line with the confidentiality terms within the full PPG terms of reference.

Primary Care Network Patient Participation Group

Our practice is part of the West Leeds Primary Care Network. This is a group of practices that work together to provide additional services to our patients. We encourage all our patients to attend and have your say on the services being offered to our patients, and will post details of upcoming meeting when available.

It is important to note that the PPG and virtual PPG are not a forum for complaints.

Should you wish to make a complaint or suggestion to the practice, please click here.

PPG Terms of Reference

PPG Ground Rules

PPG Meeting Actions 24/25

PPG Action Plan 2023/24

Minutes of previous meetings

PPG Newsletters