How to arrange an appointment with a GP or an Advanced Nurse Practitioner.
Same day appointments are available to book by phone Monday – Friday at 8am.
Pre-Bookable appointments for Monday to Friday, released 7 days in advance for booking over the telephone.
For non-urgent medical or admin advice, you can complete an E-consultation online without the need to phone the surgery. These are available between 7am – 12pm Monday – Friday.
Click Here to complete an E-Consultation.
Weekend Appointments
Our practice works with other local GP practices to provide weekend appointments at The Gables Surgery on a Saturday.
Saturday 08:00 – 17:00
These are available to book by contacting us on our normal practice number (0113 2576787) from 8am on Friday.
The Gables Surgery
Swinnow Green
LS28 9AW
West Leeds Primary Care Network
A primary care network is a group of GP practices working together to provide additional health services to the local population.
All of these services can be accessed by ringing the surgery (0113 257 6787). The appointments will either be a telephone consultation or face to face depending on the clinic you are booking into.
Additional services we can offer our patients:
Weekend GP Appointments
Please see above “Appointments section for further information”.
Contraception Clinic (Coil & Implant)
Initially held as a telephone consultation with a GP, you will then be booked into an appointment to have your coil or implant fitted in a dedicated clinic.
Weekend Smear Clinics
Appointments available to book on a Saturday morning for those women due or overdue their smear test.
Pharmacy Team
A dedicated team who work with the practice to complete:
– Medication Reviews
-Medication Queries
– Medication dose review and changes
Primary Care Support Workers
Primary Care support workers provide appointments such as:
– Blood Tests
– Blood Pressure
– NHS Health Checks
– Suture removal
First contact physiotherapy means you can see a physio without the need to see a GP first.
They can help patients with musculoskeletal issues such as back, neck and joint pain by:
– Assessing and diagnosing issues
– Giving expert advice on how best to manage your conditions
– referring you onto specialist services if necessary
Community Wellbeing Advice Team
Available on Monday, Wednesday, Thursday and Fridays this team can help patients with the following:
– Money Matters
– Housing Issues
– Accessing Social Groups in the local community
– Finding new hobbies and interests
– Linking in with employment / volunteering support
– Linking in with family support services
– Support to access mental wellbeing support
– Referring people to smoking cessation / healthy eating / physical activity support
– Linking patients in with support for sleep management
– Helping carers to access support
– Linking with support for sexual abuse / domestic abuse / childhood abuse
– Signposting patients to access support around drug / alcohol abuse
Occupational Therapists
Our occupational therapists aim to improve a person’s ability to complete everyday tasks.
They can help with a broad range of issues including:
– Memory Problems / Management of memory difficulties
– Fatigue and pain management
-Sleep Problems
-Stress / anxiety advise on reasonable adjustments relating to work
– Mental Health – Mood change is impacting on daily life
– COVID related anxiety management
Linking Leeds
Linking Leeds’s aim is to connect people to services and activities in their community in order to benefit overall health and wellbeing. They believe that everyone can live a fulfilled life, however, sometimes people need help to achieve this. Feeling linked to your community has lot of health and wellbeing benefits that support resilience, independence and good physical and mental health.
Click Here to visit their website.
Out of Hours Care
If you have a life threatening emergency, Call 999 immediately.
When the surgery is closed, advice and help are available 24hrs a day, 7 days a week by calling 111 to speak to an NHS advisor. Click Here to go to their website. They will advise you on the most appropriate course of action based on your symptoms and arrange any out of hours appointments for you.
Have you considered visiting a pharmacy?
As qualified healthcare professionals, pharmacists can offer clinical advice and over-the-counter medicines for a range of minor illnesses, such as coughs, colds, sore throats, tummy trouble and aches and pains.
To find out more or find a pharmacy Click Here.
Staff Training
The surgery will be closed for staff training from 12 noon on the following dates until 8am the next day. If you feel you need help within this time, then please read the Out of Hours Care section above.
Thursday 28th November 2024
Thursday 30th January 2025
Thursday 27th February 2025
Thursday 20th March 2025
Our telephone lines will be open for emergencies only. You will then be referred to the out of hours service who will arrange any urgent care for that day. You will not be seen at the practice.