We have undertaken a review of our complaints, patient feedback and comments left on NHS UK. This is to help us understand where we may be able to improve our service for our patients. We continuously try to improve our service by encouraging, listening and responding to the views of our patients, responding positively to them and by learning from them and putting mistakes right.
The main themes identified in the NHS website comments, and the feedback we have received directly from our patients, is the same as that identified in our formal complaint summary below.
Complaints Analysis 2022-2023
All feedback, complaints and compliments are shared with our Senior Partner and Clinical Team. All our complaints are shared and discussed within our clinical meetings for shared learning.
The Robin Lane Patient Participation Group meets either face to face or via Microsoft Teams. We encourage patients to attend to provide input and have a say on how our services are delivered to provide a positive experience for our patient population. For more information on this, please contact the practice by emailing us on robin.lane@nhs.net.