Friends & Family Test Results
In 2024, on average 76% of patients said they would recommend us to a family or friend!
In 2024, on average 76% of patients said they would recommend us to a family or friend!
The Breathe Easy Homes service addresses issues with indoor air quality in the home, which can trigger attacks for children who have a diagnosis of asthma or other respiratory conditions e.g. viral wheeze. Housing / indoor air quality factors include … Continued
The UK Health Security Agency (UKHSA) has detected a case of Clade Ib mpox in Leeds. This is a more serious type of a rare infection most commonly found in parts of central and east Africa. While the risk of … Continued
We are proud to be a ‘Safe Surgery’ for everyone in our community. All are welcome. Everyone in the UK has the right to free care from a GP. In recognition of the barriers to healthcare access faced by people … Continued
Please note you will no longer be able to email our practice about appointments, prescriptions, and general enquiries, please use the following methods to contact the surgery: Appointments To cancel or amend appointments please call the surgery on 0113 2576787. … Continued
If you are pregnant, getting vaccinated gives your child the best protection against whooping cough, if you are 20 weeks pregnant and have not been offered the whooping cough vaccine, contact your midwife or GP surgery.
The Community Urgent Eyecare Service (CUES) in Leeds will only be accessible by self-referral via single point of access telephone number from Friday 1 November 2024. From this date people can only access the service by calling 0300 303 4922 … Continued
The website has been created as a central source of all public facing diabetes information in Leeds. It directs to the Leeds Health and Care Partnership webpage. There you can find information on reducing your risk of type 2 … Continued
If you are eligible for a flu vaccination, please contact the surgery to book an appointment or alternatively if you have received a text invite, you can book an appointment via the link in the SMS. Clinics will run between 10th-31st … Continued